Samira's Aura Collection (Buy 2 Get 1 FREE)

Samira's Aura Collection (Buy 2 Get 1 FREE)


266 Results


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Meditation - A Rainbow Of Calm Starts Here
Meditation - A Rainbow Of Calm Starts Here
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Meditation - Embrace The Cosmic Flow Of Inner Peace
Meditation - Embrace The Cosmic Flow Of Inner Peace
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Frequently Asked Questions
How will I receive my psychic reading?

Around 2-3 days after you placed your order, I will send you an email containing your full psychic reading.

Can I purchase this as a gift?

Yes, you can purchase a gift card here, which is the exact value of my psychic readings. You can then share this code with the recipient so they can redeem their psychic reading. Click here to purchase your gift card.

What will I gain from a psychic reading?

You will unlock hidden truths and gain clarity with a psychic reading. You can discover your purpose, find love, and overcome challenges.

How long does it take to receive my reading?

It takes me on average 2-3 days to email your reading to you. However, during busy periods this can take 7-10 days.

What if I still have questions after my reading?

If you require more clarity with your reading, you can purchase an additional follow-up question here.

Do you offer any spells or affirmations?

Yes, I prefer to call these affirmations. all I ask is for your name, date of birth and the topic you would like the affirmation to be about. e.g. I want. my ex-partner back. >> click here to purchase your affirmation.

Is this for guidance or just entertainment purposes?

My psychic advice serves as a valuable compass, offering guidance and clarity on life's journey. By tapping into this wisdom, you can better navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and enrich your overall well-being, ultimately empowering yourself to shape your own destiny.

What information do you need to give a reading?

In order for me to give an accurate reading, I require the full names of anyone mentioned in your questions. It is also recommended to provide the date of birth too.

Do you offer any guarantees?

Yes, I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee where if you are not satisfied with your reading, I will keep working with you until you are satisfied.

How accurate are your readings?

My readings have a 98% accuracy rating. They are highly accurate and insightful, shedding light on your life's mysteries. Remember, the information I provide is meant to guide and empower you on your path. Use my revelations to make informed choices, unlock your full potential, and transform your future for the better.

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